Featured Campaigns
Projects You Can SupportFrom time to time we will choose a selection of campaigns that we will feature and display within this section.

Mothers and Babies of African Descent Dying Disproportionately (MBADDD)
A campaign to address Mothers and Babies of African Descent Dying Disproportionately during pregnancy and childbirth at 5X the rate of other races, whilst in the care system.
MBADDD Achievables -what we need to do
1- Carry out the research and provide the data that establishes the reason for Mothers and Babies of African Descent Dying Disproportionately during pregnancy and childbirth. $ 75,000
2- Address the established reasons for which the inequality that exists and provide support to those experiencing this inequality. This is an ongoing activity that requires finance. Min $ 150,000 for 1st yr support team
3- Impact on Government Legislation to address this inequality. This requires a White Paper to undergo several stages to become a Bill, which then receives Royal Assent and becomes an Act of Parliament. $40,000 to initiate White Paper protocol.
4- Provide redress to the Estate of the demised. $50,000 covers initial Legal services costs.

The Career Development Scheme
The Career Development Scheme
These schemes will be managed by CAP and the training will be provided by the ICS eLearning Centre.,
We expect to offer free access to the scheme for students within our launch areas, by offsetting the costs via business sponsorships, donations and any other funding opportunities.
The programmes will be mainly online courses, with a mixture of live online sessions and real-world sessions. The sessions will be focused on specific areas of the programme and will include guess speakers from within the related industry.
The real-world sessions can be run either within one of the schools or within a local community centre
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